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Research Guide: Los Aztecas, Los Mayas, y Los Incas: Los Aztecas

Los Aztecas

The Aztecs and the Making of Colonial Mexico

The Aztecs Had a Strict Social Structure

"Entrance of Cortes into Mexico"

Titled "Entrance of Cortes into Mexico," this illustration shows Spain's Hernan Cortes (right) being welcomed by the Aztec leader Montezuma (left).

Storing Maize

Aztecs storing maize. Image from public domain.

Aztec Temple

Aztec temples form the base of the Square of Three Cultures in Mexico City, a monument marking the Aztec, Spanish colonial, and modern period in Mexico’s rich history. 

Book Resources

Aztec (Mexica), an introduction

Turquoise mosaic mask (human face), 1400-1521 C.E., cedrela wood, turquoise, pine resin, mother-of-pearl, conch shell, 16.5 x 15.2 cm, Mexico © Trustees of the British Museum

Aztec Musicians

Aztec musicians. Music and dance were an important element of Aztec education and public life. Image from public domain.

The Aztec Empire: The Last Great Native Civilization in Mesoamerica

Destined for Priesthood

Six levels of military achievement are depicted in Codex Mendoza for young men who are destined to become priests. The first is a novice who has had made one capture. Those who had made two captures were awarded a white feather ornamented tlahuiztli, a tightly fitting body suit. The highest ranking soldiers were awarded a yellow tlahuiztli and a helmet in the shape of a mountain lion. Image from the public domain.

Book Resources in Espanol

The Aztec Empire

Call the Aztec Midwife

A tlamatlquiticitl washes a newborn in cold water in an illustration adapted from the 16th-century compendium on Aztec customs, the General History of the Things of New Spain. 

Latin American Studies

Aztec Market

Diorama model of the Aztec market at Tlatelolco.

Made by Joe Ravi


A depiction of the Aztec god of war and the sun Huitzilopochtli. The role of one the high-priests was to organize the cult around Huitzilopochtli. Image from public domain.

Aztec Dancer

An Aztec dancer poses for a photo during a ceremony celebrating the birth of Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec emperor, in Ixcateopan, Mexico, February 23, 2009. Cuauhtemoc was tortured and executed by Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes in 1525. AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo