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Maker Edcamp DC

What is an Edcamp?

What are Edcamps?

  • Free
  • Non-commercial and conducted with a vendor-free presence
  • Made up of sessions determined on the day of the event (We're bending this rule a bit, asking participants to support leading learning sessions in addition to sessions focused on conversation).
  • Events where anyone who attends can be a presenter
  • Reliant on the “law of two feet” as participants find a session that meets their needs

Do I have to Lead a Session?

No - you don't have to lead a session; but consider sharing nonetheless!

Edcamps are intentionally informal. You don't have to think of an Edcamp Session as a presentation of research findings, or a perfect model of practice to share with the group. Most Edcamp sessions are about sharing and discussing with others. That being said, if you have a particular skill with a tool or instructional strategy, we recommend you share your gifts with the group! 


Who can attend?

edcamps were designed as professional development opportunities for teachers by teachers. However, they are open to all who are interested in education. This Maker Edcamp is focused on educators and makers who are interested in embedding making in a school setting.

What topics are covered at the sessions?

Our sessions will focus on the below topics. We ask that participants sign up as sessions, particularly if they are knowledgeable about a specific tool, skill, or maker project.

  1. Starting a makerspace in my school or classroom
  2. Developing curriculum for maker education
  3. Sharing instructional best practices for maker education
  4. Becoming more proficient on specific tools or skills
  5. Networking with other maker educators.

How do I prepare?

Prepare to whatever level you are comfortable. You don’t have to lead a session, but we strongly encourage attendees to speak up and out about their work. Edcamps are informal events of like-minded educators sharing best practices. Your session doesn't need to be "conference-worthy"; you may just want to talk about a cool project you just ran, warts and all. Or you may want to discuss a book, or new tool you are considering buying. At edcamps, the expert IS the room; don't feel like you need to be the only expert on display. 

Will there be food?

Yes! We will have free breakfast available, and will coordinate a happy hour/get-together afterwards at a local restaurant. 

What does it cost?

Nothing! As with all edcamps, Maker Edcamp DC is completely free! 

Can I promote my business or staff a booth?

The conference will be free from corporate vendors and booths, with the focus being primarily on conversations about education. That being said, edcamp MetroDC is open to anyone interested in the state of education. We are open to having sponsors who will provide support for the event through services, items for our swag bags, and raffle prizes! Contact us if you are interested in being a sponsor.